The climate crisis is here and now. The politicy has ignored us for too long and there no time left for excuses and delays. This is an emergency – together we go on the streets and into the civil disobedience. Are you coming?
To all those affected, all climate activists, dear committed friends, dear all those who do not stand idly by and watch the political „business as usual“, but have been active themselves for a long time or now want to take action. In August we have planned something big.
Together with thousands of people we want to stream into the center of Berlin on August 16th, set up tents, kitchens and peaceful barricades and occupy a square for days. In our occupation we observe our consensus of action.
We want to build the mass movement, which we see as the last chance to a create system change. For this we want to make millions of people in Germany, who so far still suppress the reality, feel the extent of the collapse and inspire them to join us. Let’s all build a real whirlwind until August – through self-determined actions and spreading the message. Now it’s Power to the People – until the pressure in autumn is huge!

The movement(s) need you!
During the pandemic many groups have tried out new concepts, but we all miss the personal interaction and people on the streets. In the meantime many teams are extremely understaffed and the situation is more dramatical than ever. Have a look at the RiseUp Groups and find yourself a place! 🌱💚

Up to Date

Festival #2 – The week will be colourful
The art tent continues to be the magnet. Everybody is active here. With this amout of inspiration and tools the choice is hard – so better create two flags!
👉🏻 read on (german)

Festival #1 – It starts again
The first tents are built, the music is playing. From the bypassing Hemp parade some people are coming over and excitedly stamp T-Shirts at the art tent.
👉🏻 read on (german)
Consensus of action
The consenus of action is ready and is together with our demands the basis for participating in the August RiseUp.
Helpers needed!
Almost all working groups still have short works to be done – the areas are so manifold that everybody should find something. Have a look on the contribution page.
For the RiseUp action there will be a livestream 🔴🎥 .
Over 50 groups are participating in the August RiseUp or have shown solidarity with the protests. Public figures and individuals can also signal their support via the open letter!

Together we stand up to the climate crisis!
And what about Corona?
We assume that the pandemic and its stark social consequences will continue to accompany us closely in August. In the face of this challenge, we are developing a solidarity-based and well-considered Corona-concept. As we slide further into disaster, let’s also move into action in unprecedented pandemic times.
👉🏻 Read hygiene concept
More links
🏕 Alles rund um Unterkunft, Packliste usw. findest du unter Vorbereitung – beachte auch unser Hygienekonzept!
🌱 Was ist nachhaltiger Aktivismus?
🎸 Es ist viel los! Einen Überblick findest du im Programm für das Uprising Festival (14./15.08.) und RiseUp (ab 16.08.)
👮🏻♀️ Vor Aktionen unbedingt lesen: Unsere Legalbroschüre und Aktionskonsens
📣 Weitersagen! Material für die Mobilisierung (Social Media Sharepics, Plakate, Flyer..)
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