Consensus of action

Due to the planetary emergency we are in and the desire to make a liveable present and future possible for all people, we see no other option for us in the face of scientific evidence than to enter into civil disobedience. The Consensus of Action is a binding framework of RiseUp! We cordially invite all people who associate themselves with this agreement to participate in RiseUp!

We come from different social movements and political spectres. Together we take responsibility for the success of the actions. We want to create a situation that is transparent to all participants, where we look out for each other and support each other. Our actions offer diverse possibilities for participation, whether experienced in action or not. Regardless of whether we appear with our name or cannot or do not want to reveal our identity, everyone should be able to participate. With action trainings in advance we will prepare together for the actions and advise everyone to attend an action training. We do not conduct actions under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

We always consider the meaningfulness of our actions and the resulting external effects. Our actions are not directed against civilians. We behave non-violently, resolutely and prudently. To achieve our goals, media attention and also the activation of various social classes, we block with the help of our bodies, various technical blockades and artistic actions & performances. We cannot always exclude slight damages like scratches, traces of paint etc..

We do not endanger people and exclude any form of physical violence. We carry the principle of non-violence for strategic and moral reasons, this includes verbal non-violence.

We are aware that some extreme situations and experiences can lead to emotional verbal acts, we try to avoid these with all our might, because we see strategic disadvantages here as well. We must never forget that our actions can have consequences for all other activists. However, we and our support structures are basically in solidarity with all climate justice activists. We support all people before, during and after the actions to the same extent.

In order to keep up with the current developments around the COVID-19 pandemic, RiseUp! has intensively dealt with the topic in advance. We have a hygiene concept to keep the risk of infection low. We deal with this concept before arrival and stick to it.

We see ourselves as part of the climate justice movement and are in solidarity with all those who resist the climate crisis and the destruction of global ecosystems. Our acts and our actions are intersectional, emancipatory and anti-capitalist. We are aware of everyday and structural discrimination among ourselves and by our socialization. We do not want to reproduce toxic masculinity through dominant speech or appearance. Therefore, we actively work to create spaces where we can meet each other at eye level and where everyone can feel comfortable. We strive to provide space for and raise awareness and attention to those who experience discrimination. In a racist system, people are at varying degrees of risk of repression. We reflect that white positioned people have a privileged relationship towards the institution of the police, as the executing agency of racist legislation.

We actively try to dismantle and stand up against all racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, classist, nationalist, neo-colonial, racist, sexist, speciesist, conspiracy ideological or other reactionary tendencies and attempts of appropriation.

One Struggle, One Fight, Rise Up and Unite!

– More explanations to the terms used here can be found in the glossarry 📚 (currently only in German) –

One Struggle, One Fight, Rise Up and Unite!

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🎸 Es ist viel los! Einen Überblick findest du im Programm für das  Uprising Festival (14./15.08.) und RiseUp (ab 16.08.)

📣 Updates via Telegram Broadcast: RiseUp / XR und Twitter: RiseUp / XR, Tagesberichte im Blog

👮🏻‍♀️ Vor Aktionen unbedingt lesen: Unsere Legalbroschüre

🌱 Was ist nachhaltiger Aktivismus?

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📣 Weitersagen! Material für die Mobilisierung (Social Media Sharepics, Plakate, Flyer..)

💪🏻 Unterstütze unsere Arbeit mit einer Spende!
